Thursday, December 2, 2010

Chapter 7: Putting it all Together and Troubleshooting

So, I know that I did not assign Chapter 7 to you to blog about, but I was so impressed by this chapter that I did it anyway.  Feel free to join in...

Jugglers spinning plates- I love that analogy!  It is true, isn't it?

Students need choice.  Are you letting them choose by now?

Status-of-the-class conference!  I love that idea.  It sounds formal and is needed!

Students should leave the gathering place one group at a time to avoid the "stampede effect".  So true!

Daily 5 should help us realize that many times our students had truly been involved with unauthentic busywork that did not influence their learning.

Margaret Mooney, "Independence is synonymous with accountability."  Amen!  We have to trust them to carry out our expectations and to accept the responsibility to do so.

Has your room arrangement changed because of the Daily 5?

I love the idea of practicing the skill of ignoring the teacher.  That is so hard for some of our highly distractible students.

Do you have tech support helpers identified in your room?

I like the "Above, Pause, Whisper" signal to get students' attention.  Do any of you use it?  What do you use?

I like how they end this section by addressing how to make this work with intermediate students.  If you can only get to the Daily 3, then so be it.  I like the way they focused those 3 and the rationale behind it.

I hope you enjoyed the book.  It was an easy read and one you could reference over and over.  On to the CAFE!


  1. Here is how I have my class set up to include all parts of the Daily 5. Since there are only 3 "open" centers during our guided reading time (one center is with me), I was confused at first on how I could include all 5 parts everyday. So I now have a Day 1 and Day 2 schedule that we flip back and forth with each day. Day 1 my students have read to someone, listen to reading, word work (usually with a parent volunteer) and guided reading with me. Day 2 my students have read to self, work on writing, word work (usually with a parent volunteer) and guided reading with me. In the afternoons I try to have to students work on the center that they "missed" in the morning. This was my best attempt at trying to get all 5 centers working in my classroom. . . .as of right now student do not have a choice as to what center to work at. However, students do have a choice as to what they would like to work on at the writing center, what they want to listen to at the reading center, and what books they want to read at reading to someone/self.

    My classroom does look different now. I now have a writing center and a listening center.

  2. I have found that my teaching this year does look different after reading "The Daily Five". I think there is such power in giving children choices and an understanding of why they are doing what they do. I am trying to give my students a rationale for their work every day.

    I have found that while the "Daily Five" gives a good explanation..the CAFE has really helped me "apply" the Daily Five strategies. At the beginning of the school year I took time to look at the parts of the CAFE (comprehension, accuracy, fluency, and expresion). I taught some of the strategies to my students, and had them apply what they learned to their reading.

    Chapter 1 gives an introduction and talks about the research base for the CAFE. I found it so interesting that many of the ideas are not knew and have been around for a long time. The idea of "Good Fit Books" starts with research done in 1946!

  3. My teaching during reading certainly does look different. Of coarse I am still learning and I feel like I have a long way to go. I have always had centers in my room so my arrangement has changed some. My reading time looks like this: Each group spends 15 minutes with me learning a reading strategy and discussing their book. Then they spend 15 minutes practicing that strategy using their guided reading books. Then they spend 15 miuntes buddy reading, listening to books, or self reading. The other 15 min. is spent on writing or word work. I am still working on giving them more choices especially in the writing area. This has been hard for me to let go of, but also hard for the students to take contol of. They are always looking to me for guidance. I am in the process of setting up a writing center that will be availble to them everyday.
