How do the upper grades (4th and 5th) use a read aloud like noted on p.32? Those look like too juvenile of titles for those ages. Maybe I am wrong....
I like how they emphasize that if the TEACHER does not constantly "think aloud" and physically point to the bulletin board or CAFE strategies like check for understanding or crosschecking then the students will never really buy into it.
7 Steps from Assessing to knowing the Instruction the student needs
- Assess individual student
- DRA, CBM, running record, what else?
- Discuss findings with student
- How comfortable are you with this process? Do kids use the phrasing that you are modeling?
- Set goal and identify strategies with student
- This is the hard part. You want to hit a home run the first time when you individualize it and pick a strategy for the student to practice independently. How can we connect the strategy we are picking for students in PK-2 to match our PLA common area of retelling????
- Student declares goal on menu and in notebook
- I like that the students are an active part as they write, review, and record/post it.
- Teacher fills out Individual Reading Conference form
- This would be an excellent artifact to share with parents.
- Teacher fills out Strategy Groups form
- This part confuses me a little. If you are not meeting with each student equal times, how and when do you rearrange the groups for guided reading based on CAFE input from individual conferences? Or do you always have one of each of the 4 groups going and then rotate the kids as needed so the membership is always different from week to week?
- Instruction
- Imagine how great this system will work in a year or two when the kids have had it in K, then 1st, then 2nd, etc.....